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Latest announcement | 04-03-2025!

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New Spider RFID Reader Tool : v2.12 is out!!

We are proud to announce our new Spider RFID Reader tool v2.12 has been released. In this release we have a new option to select available readers nearby, based on their bluetooth connection. It is now easy to switch from reader to program FW or configuration.

Side note: Although Red Spiders will be seen with Bluetooth connection,It is not yet possible for the Red Spider to update FW or changing configuration.

Also new under our HID iCLASS / Seos Settings is the setting HID Seos Mobile (BLE) Support. This setting works as of  FW  release v2.12.

Another fix in this release is, it will detect correctly the presence of a SAM module.

It has a splash screen on startup to indicate the software is loading

Link to download new Spider RFID Reader Tool:

Feel free to tell us your user experience of this Spider RFID Reader Tool!!!